"Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War" will be retelling the final arc from the manga of the same name by Tite Kubo. While the initial series focused on Ichigo Kurosaki and his classmates as they came to terms with their burgeoning supernatural powers, the newest story will see the Soul R...
Anywhoozle– As Valentines Day looms over us like the Hallmark Channel version of the Frankenstein Monster… That creepy, crawly feeling of loneliness is slithering up the spines of most people. If you’re like me, you have a boyfriend who won’t be around on Valentines Day, so you have...
Grape and lime gelatins carefully poured together create the body of this mini-Frankenstein, while little licorice bolts and decorating gel bring it to life. Take them to the next level by substituting boiling tonic water and placing them under a blacklight—watch thequinine in the water glow in...
that it is not the Magus who has loaded the dice that drove Nicholas nearly out of his mind, but the way Nicholas himself interpreted the events around him: he had loaded the dice long ago by accepting a commonplace and naive view of ...
-Jagal: La2, iza jeyeen ya3mloule’ Nitshe’ w Aflaton w Socrate w Frankenstein, eh toz fiyon. -FN: That’s not what I meant when I said “philosophical”. -Jagal: Khayye’ sma3ne’ shway, baddak falsafe’: “I sink zerfor I em” – Danny DeVito. ...
A Frankenstein’s monster of art that never quite figures out what it wants to be and thus fails to be deep fails to be entertaining, fails to be satisfying, and fails to be worth watching.Let’s look at a few examples.There is an inordinate amount of time spent on introducing the ...
L. 9000 computer (“HAL”), humans have created the first artificial intelligence: a sentient, albeit synthetic, life form. But HAL’s very existence is an abomination; he is a kind of Frankenstein’s monster. While perhaps not overtly monstrous, HAL’s true character is hinted at by his...
We best know the woman who wrote The Last Man in 1825 as the author of Frankenstein, but it seems Mary Shelley had more than one dark tale up her sleeve. Yet, though the destruction wrought by disease in The Last Man is pessimistic to the extreme, we might learn some lessons from the...
for having been in his youth not only an aesthetic Dr. Frankenstein but a pugnacious loudmouth to boot, he achieved the status of musical granddad, with both his conducting and his music being increasingly viewed with reverence, even love. But when critics (I use the term here broadly and...
who fought in the Trojan War and now wishes to return home to his wife and son. Standing between him and his goal is a series of obstacles. Odysseus overcomes them through courage, cunning, and sheer strength of will. Unfortunately, all of the men traveling with him die along the way. ...