Being raised in a Christian home doesn’t automatically make you a Christian, because Jesus said, You must be born again. …… The art of having fun, without being trivial or shallow. …… Christian, will you be found faithful? …… Christian, what role does God have in your decision m...
The article describes social media posts from the zealots who have infiltrated election administration as showing “unapologetic belief in Trump’s election lies, support for political violence, themes of Christian nationalism, and controversial race-based views.” There are more than enough such indivi...
Islamic oppression(31 countries): This is the main source of persecution that Christians face in more than half of the watch list countries, including 8 of the top 10 overall. Most of the 31 are officially Muslim nations or have Muslim majorities; however, 5 actually have Christian...
Categories Sermons•Tags Christ the King, Christian Nationalism, Gerard Manley Hopkins, God, Jesus, John 18, Pilate, Reign of Christ Love and Good Deeds Published on November 18, 2024 Leave a comment Sermon for Sunday, November 17, 2024 || Proper 28B || Hebrews 10:11-14, 19-25 Every...
It is interesting to note how in this age of technics, industry, trips to the stars, atomic fission, population explosions, rabid nationalism, the cold war between socialism and capitalism and all the other horrors which I shall refrain from naming, the rights of the little human heart are ...
Places like the Institute for Justice, Lawfare, and sane outlets like the Bulwark are fine, but at this point, I can’t think of a single previously conservative think-tank that hasn’t been polluted by nationalism and Trumpism (even my formerly beloved AEI is too welcoming to this evil)....
I often bristle at the idea of nationalism and ethnocentrism, or the basic premise that just because you are of a certain nationality, race or creed, that you somehow hold some sort of God-given “moral superiority” over others that are not like you. While I was of the notion that this...
Christian solidarity must be Jesus-shaped. We identify and stand with those that Jesus did in his own day. We gladly link arms with those that are impoverished, vulnerable, oppressed, and marginalized. How we receive “the least of these” is how we receive Christ. ...
Nationalism has crept in, allowing for followers of Jesus to violate Jesus’ teachings on non-violence without concern. Consumerism, capitalism and materialism has crept in, allowing for followers of Jesus to violate Jesus’ teachings on wealth. The pursuit of the American Dream has crept in, ...
Trumpism did indeed have some affinity with classical fascism- sharing its ethno-nationalism, anti-intellectualism, and affection for conspiracy theories. And like fascism, Trumpism was also a movement widely supported by the petit-bourgeois who both in the 1930’s and today, found themselves ...