I know it’s weird, in America, supposedly the land of capitalism, where we taxpayers pay to train the players in high school and then college and then pay to have stadiums built in our cities (and there are other ways taxpayers are bilked by professional and non-professional sports)…but...
Richie Rich gets a lesson in capitalism. EP 14 Gimme That Chocolate Milk The Robot Chicken crew witness the straw that breaks Captain Planet's back. A Spider-Man secret is revealed thanks to J. Jonah Jameson. The Nerd realizes his problems are Legion. EP 15 Why Is It Wet? The creators...
Williams shows that the slave trade was foundational in providing ‘the capital which financed the Industrial Revolution in England…’, but that by the early nineteenth century ‘commercial capitalism’ gave way to a ‘mature industrial capitalism’, which was less reliant on monopolies and slavery...
It is interesting to note how in this age of technics, industry, trips to the stars, atomic fission, population explosions, rabid nationalism, the cold war between socialism and capitalism and all the other horrors which I shall refrain from naming, the rights of the little human heart are ...
What happens next, however, is determined by the most powerful of all deities: capitalism. With the power to speak to the whole world at once, the studio rebrands as Modern Religions, Inc. And instead of becoming the Almighty by playing God, Adams finds himself only a cog in an industria...
Capitalism and Capitalism "S" Capitalism "S" The LEOSMEcosystem Send Referrals Why Send a Referral I Want to Refer Refer A Member Refer A Buyer, Seller, Landlord Other Sites of Interest MEMBER SITE AGENT Questions AGENT SITE THE STORE
Unlike Socialism, which fails in similar ways wherever it is tried, Capitalism gives us new things to worry about every generation. In a dynamic economy, companies from different industries threaten to become monopolies every generation, giving us new reasons for why this time’s threat is differe...
Deng was a very practical leader, and ridiculed the notion that it was better to be poor under socialism than rich under capitalism – a common mindset among China’s leadership during the Cultural Revolution when untold numbers of people died from famine. This was in stark contrast with the ...
We live in a world where all wars will begin as cyber wars... It's the combination of hacking and massive, well-coordinated disinformation campaigns. Jared Cohen On November 12, 2022, Iposted a videoabout the founder of America’s Frontline Doctors (ALFDS), Dr.Simone Gold. Little did I...
If you say, well, we want to have entrepreneurship and capitalism, but we also want it to be free, those two things are somewhat in conflict, and there’s only one way to bridge that gap, and it’s through the advertising model. And advertising became the model of online information, ...