Somewhere between the 1600’s and 1800’s someone in Hamburg found a way of salting and smoking the meat so that it wouldn’t go off so quickly…as many did in those days. And by 1802 we have our first entry in the Oxford English Dictionary that includes a ‘Hamburg steak’ – which...
Did the hamburger come from Hamburg Germany? Smith, author of Hamburger: A History, the hamburger's main component — a ground beef patty —did originate in Hamburg. In the 19th century, Hamburg was known for producing superb beef from its high-quality cows that grazed outside the city, s...
Where did the holiday originate (起源) ? Here is a story.In 1922,a very kind man in Cleveland, a city in Ohio of America,thought that many poor people in the city needed care from others.He wanted them to be happy and he hoped they would find people always remembered them and cared...
So now we know the disastrous outcome, but where did this snowflake, turned snowball, turned a destructive force originate? Not long ago the four largest beef packers ate nearly all the smaller packers, and with their dominate market share, were positioned to control who had timely access to ...
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