You can view the livestream here: Asset Information Unfortunatly I cannot release the assets used in this project. So you will not be able to run the code. 💻 Launch Your Software Development Career Today! TOOL LINKS Online Xdelta patcher Steamless Goldberg Steam Emulator SmartSteamEmu (SSE) Reborn SSE Comfy Launcher RevEmu ...
The distribution of billionaires and other super-rich individuals isn't evenly distributed; plenty more live on the coast than the Midwest, with some key exceptions: Warren Buffett, the richest person in Nebraska, still lives in a house costing approximately $652,000 that he bought in 1958. Cl...
But first a refresher: My house is 100+ years old. This DIY stuff you find in a 100+ year old home can be the stuff of legends. I’m pretty sure my house was built before indoor plumbing, HVAC, “modern” electricity, etc. So taking that into consideration the after market upgrades ...
She decides that it’s time for all of it to stop and ends up revealing everything on a Facebook live stream. The result… “Part of me wants to die tonight, part of me wants it to be an accident, and part of me wants someone to notice and save me.”– Lilith Rose. ...
“Large dams have always been based on the assumption that future stream-flow patterns will mirror those of the past, but this is no longer true,” Rudo Sanyanga, International Rivers’ African program director, said in a statement.National Geographic ...
“Large dams have always been based on the assumption that future stream-flow patterns will mirror those of the past, but this is no longer true,” Rudo Sanyanga, International Rivers’ African program director, said in a statement.National Geographic ...
You get my point. For me and my house, planting good seeds and weeding out the weeds that will choke my family was and still is very important. I can only hope I planted a good seed at our local store the other day. I am sure I will have to keep praying, keep watching and keep...
“If you’re interested in a longer life span and late-life health, then a diet that is low in protein, high in carbohydrate and low in fat is preferable,” he said. “You can eat as much of that as you like. “You don’t have to be hungry, you don’t have to reduce your ...
What about all those prime time crime shows that get their story lines from the head lines? I guarantee you that if I played the video of that live streamed crime I found on you tube after the fact it wouldn’t be a problem.