can be made with venison or beef using round or sirloin cuts depending on your preference. Originally, it was meant to be enjoyed as a single cut of meat – a steak dinner complete with a red current jelly reduction sauce – but I decided to turn the steak into sandwiches so we could ...
often with eggnog or hot cocoa. On top of such, every sitcom on television had its own Christmas special as well. From The Chipmunks to He-Man, they went hard as fuck to really drum up the Christmas spirit, and it’s why they remain a beloved tradition for many to this day. I mea...
Ice cream containers stand at attention: Boozy Eggnog, Pistachio & Honey, Brambleberry Crisp. So many choices, but I scarf down chili rellenos with queso sauce, corn, and cabbage washed down with lemonade, while Mike eats Asian chicken. We walk uphill to the Tennessee State Capitol, then ...