for me and the others hired late last year or early this year in my “class.” They never rescheduled it and then fired me and the rest of the new class yesterday. A number of Assistant Chief Immigration Judges were also fired. I can’t say I was surprised this happened. I was ...
18 So I spoke to the people in the morning, and in the evening my wife died. The next morning I did as I had been commanded. 19 Then the people asked me, “Won’t you tell us what these things have to do with us? Why are you acting like this?” 20 So I said to them, “...
“Help”: My Cornell Dubilier BF-50 Is Testing Open Circuit as Good | Note : Treble Bleeds Halted Posted on April 1, 2018 (Updated on April 6, 2018) in DIY, Hardware/Tools/Instrumentation, Site Related, Vintage Apologies to the Neighbors (Burson Audio’s DAC Testing Reached 100.00dB max...
but few understand what it is or why it is so important. If you’re with me at a public event, I’ll eventually spout off something along the lines of, “you can’t have a 21st century economy without power and connectivity.” This is my simplified way of stating...
“This was the right call” I assured myself. I landed in Medellín around midnight and arranged with the hotel for a car to pick me up. I knew that I wanted to stay in a hotel that’s more upscale than when I was on my long trip to give myself some of the safeguards and ...
While thinking of my disappointment today, I thought about the numerous times I have experienced this same feeling when I weigh the benefits and risks associated with my own choices. Do I make reasonable choices concerning my life and relationships? Am I doing what is right in accordance with ...
Not a good enough mom or wife, not giving of my time enough, not being enough in a physical appearance kind of way…. Even in my faith- I have never doubted God’s love for me, but I can say that I often struggle with feeling like I am not good enough. I know God’s grace ...
You can decide for yourself if you’ve got Amazon Prime, since this has recently been made available for streaming there, but if you want my opinion (which I’ll take as a given seeing as how you’re visiting this site and all), I’d say that based on just over an hour of evidenc...
That’s right a live theater show is in the works for NYC (near Times Square!) in early Feb and we have a one night only performance in Reno, Nevada on Dec. 21 — just three days after my wedding. I know! I can hear a collective, “What are you thinking??” from every bride ...
You can never understand what I have gone through here. Don’t try to learn. It is fast. I am too tired and ill to try and overcome the great obstacles I have placed in my own way. Too much high life in New York and the pace is too fast. The liquor here has driven me crazy,...