The Northman. (Robert Eggers) Doraibu mai kâ. (Drive My Car) (Ryusuke Hamaguchi) Clara Sola. (Nathalie Álvarez Mesén) Feathers. (Omar El Zohairy) The Wonder. (Sebastián Lelio) Funny Pages. (Owen Kline) La dernière tentation des belges. (The Last Temptation of the Belgians) (Jan ...
Logen Ninefingers, a Northman warrior, is always saying to himself,“You have to realistic about these things”when things don’t go well. Then there is the inquisitor, Sand Dan Glokta, always asking himself,“Why do I do this?”when he gets stuck with the most gruesome, unpleasant tasks...
Detective Hwang is back, still leading the chase to bring down his brother, the evil “Front Man” behind the games. If I tell you much more, I’ll spoil it all. But I’ve watched it twice and even went back to watch the first season, all since S2 dropped the day after Christmas...
California is Bigfoot country. Only Washington can count as many sightings of the elusive hominid asthe Golden State, where some of the most famous glimpses of the creature happened under redwood trees. As we enter year two of the COVID-19 pandemic,outdoor activities are still at ...