Didn’t watch much TV while traveling, but in the few places we had Netflix, we watched the Turkish series Zeytin Agaci, aka Another Self and the Greek series Maestro in Blue, and finished On the Verge (just okay). Finished Atlantic Crossing and the most current season of Emily in ...
Rien à foutre. (Zero Fucks Given) (Emmanuel Marre & Julie Lecoustre) Poulet Frites. (For a Fistful of Fries) (Yves Hinant & Jean Libon) Cow. (Andrea Arnold) De humani corporis fabrica. (Lucien Castaing-Taylor & Véréna Paravel) Baradaran-e Leila. (Leila’s Brothers)(Saeed Roustaee)...
Forget the terrible final season and the whole lumberjack thing (a famously dreadful finale that was at least partially redeemed by 2021 codaDexter: New Blood), for the majority of its run,Dexterwas one of the sharpest shows on TV. Michael C. Hall brings a cool detachment and smirking pitch...
A birthday freebie is any complimentary gift, discount or special offer presented by a business to customers to encourage you to celebrate your birthday with them in mind. They can beFREEfood from restaurants,FREEadmission to events,FREErewards and gift cards or exclusive discounts or promotions or...
I was scared too. Really scared. I had my second son four days after my first turned 2. If I said it was easy I would be lying but I will tell you this… You can do it. It will be worth it. We all compare… Those who say they don’t are lying. ...
The baby is growing up fast. She’s walking everywhere now. I am so so proud of her. She isn’t really talking much yet, but last week she said her second word “up.” (Her first word was “mama.”) It’s so cute because she has been saying it with an ‘h’ in front, like...
Heather Ann. Heather passed away shortly after your father and I met and they never had the chance to meet each other. I can tell you though, that I was so happy that she knew that your father was special and it made her very happy. My mother used to say, to know Heather is to ...
of course for the OG’S.. bAUHAUS- the nine minute jawn.. after the cut u can peep the 3 minute vs. of the music video.. Continue reading→ you know this video is a fool.. hahahahaah … what ya think… lowkey I like this song.. and lowkey Hannibal is my dude.. .. I am no...
A Mama’s Prayers March 6, 2017 by aprilayers6@gmail.com As I have been unexpectedly thrown into this next phase of parenting 2 middle schoolers, I can boldly say- I AM NOT READY FOR THIS!! This phase has shown up and screamed at my face that I am losing control of my babies!
"The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet" - Frederick Buechner