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Luther: Never Too Much 1 hr 41 mins Luther Vandross started his career supporting David Bowie, Roberta Flack, Bette Midler, and more. His undeniable talent earned platinum records and accolades, but he struggled to break out beyond the R&B charts. Intensely driven, he overcame personal and pr...
Martin Luther, perhaps surprisingly for someone so focused on the burden of human sin, said we were all called to be “little Christs,” and in a Christmas sermon he described the Incarnation as a two-way street: “Just as the word of God became flesh,” he said, “so it is certainl...
Didn’t watch much TV while traveling, but in the few places we had Netflix, we watched the Turkish series Zeytin Agaci, aka Another Self and the Greek series Maestro in Blue, and finished On the Verge (just okay). Finished Atlantic Crossing and the most current season of Emily in ...
They never rescheduled it and then fired me and the rest of the new class yesterday. A number of Assistant Chief Immigration Judges were also fired. I can’t say I was surprised this happened. I was expecting it, especially when I showed up in the notorious “DHS Watchlist” late last ...
Really challenging myself was a real big part of it. And then I started thinking about projects on a larger scale and the ways that I can include more people in what I do. I can hire more people. I can teach more people. I can really start thinking about ...
Martin Luther King Jr wrote,”I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizens Councilor or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to order than to justice.” ...
C. they could not find the mark on the map D. the forest was too thick to go through 3.From the passage, we can learn that___ . A. they were in an uninhabited area B. they were on a journey home happily C. the country was a civilized society D. the country was a tropical...
”. We mean, er,Luther. Part gritty police procedural, part dark noir fantasy, the show — which started life on the BBC before being picked up for feature follow-upThe Fallen Sunat Netflix — followsIdris Elba’s hulking, red-tie-and-tweed-coat-sporting copper as he hunts depraved ...
What they're being taught in schools… and I'm just excited he's gonna bring our country back. I'm excited for [my children]. I’m less fearful for them.” Lead Art: Crowds fill the Capital One Arena to watch the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 47...