watchgnupg(1) wbinfo(1) wc(1) wc(1g) webalizer(1) webpng(1) werl(1) wftopfa(1) wget(1) what(1) whatis(1) whence(1) whereis(1B) which(1) which(1g) while(1) who(1) who(1g) whoami(1) whoami(1B) whocalls(1) whois(1) widget(1) winsysck(1) wireshark(1) wish(1)...
A) It can undershoot the requested frame rate in order to provide a theoretically better image (i.e. with a longer exposure than the inter-frame period of the selected frame rate allows) B) It must meet the inter-frame deadline for the selected frame rate, even if the image may be un...