“Amadeus” took the best picture Oscar for its opulent dramatization of Mozart’s life and times during 18th century Vienna. The film follows a largely-fictionalized account of the backbiting rivalry between the virtuoso composer, played by Tom Hulce, and his envious adversary Salieri, played by...
I saw the Twitter stream explode with the news that this much-anticipated baby girl had been born…and then, given a boy’s name. Interesting, I thought. It’s not the usual gender-mixing of names that I see often. Then it occurred to me that my daughter’s middle name is James, t...
It can be used to maximise the productivity of camera operators, improve their safety and comfort, and as in this case, it enabled a camera operator to control the equipment over fibre from another location." Joe Ferlic, Veteran NBC Sports Camera Operator added: "I felt very comfortable ...
In 2024, Paul Bettany stars in the film Here, based on thethought-provoking graphic novel of the same name. Bettany is also filming the miniseries Amadeus, based on the life of the composer Mozart. Additionally, audiences can look forward to his return as Vision in the upcoming Disney+ mini...