the second, the first. I am the last born, and my mother seeded her very first child to her earliest husband, now long dead. For my father, it was a mere trine lose; he’s a polygamist with a tight packet of children
In the end I opted to have it die off screen and my actor turn up in the next scene with a plastic carrier bag full of "bloody lumps and fur" - with the dog leash(lead) hanging out to to properly sell it. The result (especially after we dubbed the sqelching sounds) worked ok ...
but few understand what it is or why it is so important. If you’re with me at a public event, I’ll eventually spout off something along the lines of, “you can’t have a 21st century economy without power and connectivity.” This is my simplified way of stating...
despite being in their early 40s, were completely debt free. Not even a mortgage. Instantly, my frugal radar went on high alert. I sat on the information though since most people are uncomfortable with having the details of their financial lives known. ...