Based on my past experience with budget priced watches, I have found that many have quite a bit of play or wiggle in the crown when engaged, but I can report the crown on this particular example is quite firm. At a simple mechanical level, the design makes sense. The large minute timer...
It's a somewhat well known fact that many 'buyers' of Wheeler Dealers cars are in fact actors or crew members when they can't sell the car before production ends. Many cars were later sold on eBay using a few accounts, one of which we believe belongs to the aforementioned crew memberPa...
Your parents love it secretly when your 40-year-old kids are living with you. You don’t want to let go of these kids even though it costs every damned penny you’ve got. I have older kids, and I would love them to stay at home and filthy up my rims, invite their friends around...
I have been searching for neglected books for over forty years and the one thing I can say with unshakeable confidence is that there are more great (and even just seriously good) books out there in the thickets off the beaten path of the canon than I or anyone else can ever hope to d...
Finding a barrel can be the hardest part of making a rain barrel, so I will list a few ideas, and successes that I have had: 1. Craigslist: This is often the easiest way to find a barrel. Where I live, people commonly sell them for $10. I would not pay more than $15. If ...
Actually Colin is the only one who has sent me a PM. I let him know that at this time I'm not really planning on selling it, but if plans change, or if I decide to sell it in the near future, He will get first dibs on it. If I was to let it go i would want someone wit...