keep in mind that the coastal redwoods in Muir Woods aren't nearly as big as the giant sequoias in the Eastern Sierras. They're also relatively small compared to the much taller coastal redwoods further north in the state, which can reach up to 380 feet in height (although the tallest ...
[听力原文] 22-25M: Have you ever visited a redwood forest I really think I should because of the Muir Woods National Monument North of San Francisco.W: I’ve never seen a redwood tree; I really can’t imagine how big they are.M: The dictionary says they’re the tallest living things...
Their tough, thick bark protects the trees during a fire. The coastal redwoods also like a damp, foggy climate.W: Then since Muirwoods is near foggy San Francisco, it must be ideal for the tree’s survival. I can’t wait to go there and see them. 反馈 收藏 ...
In trying to squeeze as much juice as he can out of the world, Garfield also can come across as fairly serious. He’s interested in interrogating consciousness, connection, universality, joy, surrender. (“I don’t think he would survive in shallow waters very happily for very long...
suddenly the only person you can ever imagine yourself with.”―Gillian Anderson *** Canyon of the Ancients NM *** “Growing apart doesn’t change the fact that for a long time we grew side by side; our roots will always be tangled. I’m glad for that.”― Ally Condie *** Canyon...
I can be a “girly” girl sometimes people!) More to come and thanks for hanging in (I know it’s not home renovation and dog friendly travel) but it’s a learning experience and a portal to future adventures. Happy Sunday everyone!
And though you can't see it, cosmopolitan San Francisco is 40 minutes to the north. That combination is much of the reason Silicon Valley grew up around this university and not some other one.2. University AveA surprising amount of the work of the Valley is done in the cafes on or ... ... cahighsierra View Nov 4 Open Fall is an interesting season in the High Sierra. It can take on many faces. Sometimes it feels like summer even though the calendar reads late in the year. Other times it’s a full blown color extravaganza. But some seasons, winte...
People have been asking a few different questions recently. Where is Whitney? How come you haven’t blogged in a while? What have you been up to? How can you afford to travel? I’m attempting to answer these questions here: 1.) I am currently in Tampa. Plan to see some “How to...
the background. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, there’s a cat or a dog sleeping nearby. You can even see their little chests rising and falling slightly as they breathe oh-so-peacefully. Outside, it might be raining or snowing, which you can hear, along with the fire crackling, in the...