I saw the cute costume above. Alas, not in my size. But a good idea I thought. It’s just a front so I will be free to move, especially if I build it in 2 pieces. Fabric-paper means I can sit and the paper will bend without too obnoxious a crease. I can always recycle the ...
Back to letting the cat out of the bag. A bean bag, to be exact. That’s right: we were able to sell a LoveSac gamer beanbag/memory foam chair that we received as a gift from a family member who was moving several years ago, back when I believed that you couldnever have too many...
have taken the “Reuse Reduce Recycle” motto to heart and used an object that was built for such a specific purpose and repurposed it into something quirky and fun. Sometimes my imagination can go in all kinds of silly directions and I started wondering: Where has this shipping container ...