, 129.. Inspectors also can look at glove purchase invoices and compare invoiced to inventoried glove boxes and determine the glove use per hour by dividing the number of gloves in boxes by the number of workers and the hours they worked, averaged over several weeks. However, inspectors have...
Contamination transfer from clothing was demonstrated in a simulated hospital setting by Casanova et al. (19), who found that when surgical gowns were deliberately contaminated with both a nonpathogenic virus and GloGerm beads that fluoresce under UV light, removal of the gowns caused the gloved ...
Mom played two church services on Sunday morning. Later that afternoon, pain from a kidney stone gone terribly wrong caused her to be rushed by ambulance to a Philadelphia hospital. By Wednesday afternoon, I stood helplessly at her bedside watching my...
WhenThe Green Hatwas first published, parts of the story were considered a bit scandalous for the time. If you start looking up trivia about the film version, you’ll see that certain things had to be changed for censorship reasons, like the fact that Diana’s hospital stay was related to...
“The very success of immunizations has turned out to be an Achilles’ heel,” said Dr. Mark Sawyer, a pediatrician and infectious disease specialist at Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego. “Most of these parents have never seen measles, and don’t realize it could be a bad disease ...