The winter forecast is blizzardy and full of warnings I haven’t experienced here; and how can I complain when half of Upstate New York is buried in ten feet of snow. The end of the day pleasure comes in the kitchen; my heart and spirit melt while stirring my weekly slumguillion gumbo...
·15 minutesof Transcendental Meditation in total silence. I joined a weekend long program to learn about TM. You canfind a local center here. ·25 minutesof listening to chakra healing music through headphones. There are many on Spotify. I first close my eyes and do EFT for 5 minutes (e...
(or in every cave), we start to settle for something more realistic – a teacher who would be experienced and knowledgeable to teach us proper techniques of asana, pranayama, cleanses and meditation. There are several good teachers here who can offer such expertise. So we learn here and ...
progressive relaxation, Transcendental Meditation, Kundalini yoga, Zen meditation, and many others. There are also apps like Headspace and Insight Timer that can provide a framework that is user-friendly and takes advantage of technology to facilitate the experience. The reality is that there are as...