When you send information using, the location where it's saved depends on the type of information and the receiving device. If you send a calendar event or contact, it is normally added directly to the corresponding application on the receiving device. If you send another file type to aWindo...
Certificate Export Error: Key not valid for use in specified state. Certificate Store C# code works on some computers but not all Certutil -p password with space CHALLENGE: more efficient BitConvert.ToString() (with no dashes) Change a picturebox to a random picture everytime you press a but...
wget --no-check-certificate -c --header"Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" https://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/8u201-b09/42970487e3af4f5aa5bca3f542482c60/jdk-8u201-macosx-x64.dmg Linux: wget --no-check-certificate -c --header"Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-secureba...
The reality turned out to be different. The user interface is crap for typing and it was not nearly as responsive as the macbook even with the expensive keyboard attached. Moreover, being a rubbish artist, I never used the stylus/pen thingy. It is good quality for media streaming but mos...
32、tofacomputer.IthinkIneedtotrysomethingtotallydifferent.Iwanttobeinaprofessionthatinvolvesmeetingpeople.2.Woman1:Ireallyneedtojoinacluborsportsteamtogivemesomethingtodoonweekends.Igetreallyboredontheweekends,andifIjoinedaclub,Idprobablygettomeetpeopleandmakenewfriends.3.Man2:Ishouldtakeatypingcourset 33...
reasons in AntiVirus, Firewalls and System Security to solve the problem; One of my company's contractors got onto the blacklist of Microsoft Defender SmartScreen.Apparently something is wrong, but... Discussion in 'AntiVirus, Firewalls and System Security' started by mostly typing, Aug 26, ...
Vi (and its successor, vim) is a text editor commonly used on Unix-like systems like Linux, the BSDs, and MacOS (I’m not getting into a what is/isn’t Unix discussion). If it’s remotely Unix-like, typing “vi” will likely get you vi, vim, or another variant. You can pretty...
How can I get the stderr of command in powershell -c <command> sent to stderr? How can I hide an specific tray icon using Registry? How can I identify the current connected (active) monitor from windows registry How can I import a Java certificate for all users? GPO? SCCM? How ca...
You can do this using Windows PowerShell by typing the Restart-Computer cmdlets.Give the next reboot more time. It is actually updating the current Windows installation, making all the other components aware the GUI is available. The server should reboot and inform you that it is configuring ...
Theeasy-rsapackage is automatically installed when you install the openvpn package. But trying to run “easyrsa” gave nothing. All-in-all, it’s mostly just a single script file so it just works if you get the script as I did. But if you want your certificate to “look good”, you...