the United States isn't one of them. Sea turtles were used to make turtle soup in the past, but their endangered status has led to the dish's falling popularity.
Since we went to Atlanta for Christmas, we didn’t get to see Mike’s sister Barbara over the holidays, so we invited her over for some chicken tortilla soup and a rousing game of Ticket to Ride. Mike won again, as he always seems to do. I had a long (2-hour!) chat with my...
20-I Love You《我爱你》 21-Doing Nothing 《无所事事的小青蛙》 22-Mother Sea Turtle《海龟妈妈》 23-Mom and Kayla《妈妈和凯拉》 24-Rabbit on the run 《奔跑的兔子》 25-Llama Llama Misses Mama《拉玛想妈妈》 26-Dinosaur Roar《恐龙在...
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Try an encebollado with chifle, fish soup with a side of fried plantain chips to crush up in the soup. The best coffee in Puerto Ayora can be found at 1835 Coffee Lab, a roastery serving locally grown Galapagos coffee. You’ll find plenty of places to get drinks for Happy Hour ...
Some items have bitten the dust for good; you'll no longer, thank goodness, find the steaming bowls of real turtle soup, which were lapped up by customers as recently as the 1960s. There have been countless offers to buy the establishment over the years — including allegedly, ...
A birthday freebie is any complimentary gift, discount or special offer presented by a business to customers to encourage you to celebrate your birthday with them in mind. They can beFREEfood from restaurants,FREEadmission to events,FREErewards and gift cards or exclusive discounts or promotions or...
After a while it flew over to another tree. Can you see it? I got a closer look at this predator. I wondered if he had already had his breakfast or was hunting. Here is a view of the back feathers. I understand that red-tailed hawks don’t get red tails until they are two years...
When we’re anywhere in the Tubac area we’ll become regulars and now we know – get there early! When You Go: Wisdom’s Cafe is located at 1931 E. Frontage Road (off I-19), Tumacacori, Arizona – 4.5 miles south of Tubac, 15 miles north of Nogalas, AZ. It is a short distance...
My first surgery was extremely traumatic, however, I was given a diagnosis of Endometriosis (the first time I have heard about this term besides from my PCP mentioning it once), and I was given a fire under my ass to become educated, empowered, and do whatever it took to get the care...