Anal Pap smearHigh resolution anoscopyHIVHPVPatient educationYour healthcare provider has recommended that you get an anal Pap smear. This simple, painless, inexpensive test is a way to screen for abnormal pre-cancerous cells that may line your anal canal. Physicians have long realized that ...
Two separate dependent variables were used as measures for intention to obtain BRCA testing: (1) "I plan to have a genetic test for breast cancer only if my insurance covers the cost"; and (2) "I plan to have a genetic test for breast cancer, even if I have to pay for it myself...
I don’t even understand how this is different from playgroup, to be honest, except that they are gouging me $50 a day for this service instead of it being free.
Incredibly, the screening rates for young women within three key age groups, of 20–24, 25–29, and 30–39, are only 10%, 10–20%, and 10–30%, respectively [14]. Forty-two-point-four percent of Japanese women aged 20–69 had a Pap smear in the past two years, while 60.7% ...