Your adjusted gross income (AGI) is an important number come tax time, especially if you're planning to e-file. Not only does it impact the tax breaks you’re eligible for—your AGI is now also a kind of identification.
aUsing duality theory under rationing, the authors derive a measure of the aggr egate welfare cost of cyclical unemployment, which takes into account the value of additional nonmarket activities promoted by unemploymen t. This measure is then applied to the Quebec economy, using benchmar k ...
Unemployment rate: 6.4 per cent.Homes built in the past year: 25,825.Culture: 26 museums, 62 cinemas, 166 art galleries.Independent bookshops: 119.Restaurants opened in past year: 426.Cycle lanes: 135km.New infrastructure projects: The state government is building a new tennis arena in the...
These corporations are responsible for soil degradation, synthetic fertiliser run offs into waterways, the displacement of rural populations and land appropriation, the flight to over-populated cities and proletarianization (former independent producers reduced to wage labour/unemployment), the massive declin...
If I can make one person realize that we’re not so different, inferior, invisible, then my time hasn’t been wasted. I don’t speak for all disabled people, but I do know that my story is very much like many others. If you’re still with me, stick around. Who knows? You might...
I can only have been 12 or 13 years old and at that moment I was on the defending side. Tosh, in his attempts to impose some order on the attacking group, had picked up the ball and was directing their movements. So it was that I found myself, a scrawny and bookish young lad, ...
I can’t tell you how many times people have proudly told me they don’t bank online, and prefer to manage all of their accounts the old fashioned way. I always respond that while this is totally okay, you still need to establish an online account for your financial providers because if...
Instead, I will tell you my 3 favourite things that you must see on any trip to Rome. First, you must go to San Luigi dei Francesci; here are 3 original Caravaggios painted on the walls of the church so they can never be removed. This is how art was meant to be viewed and the...
If you are seeking the highest good, I think you can find it through love. And the beautiful thing is that we are moving against wrong when we do it, because John was right, God is love. He who hates does not know God, but he who has love ha 55、s the key that unlocks the ...
from a helicopter. That has become a routine under COVID through the combination of special stimulus checks and supplemental increases in unemployment checks and in the expansion of the length of time one can collect unemployment. The rate off climb has only picked up in the last couple of ...