The Northman. (Robert Eggers) Doraibu mai kâ. (Drive My Car) (Ryusuke Hamaguchi) Clara Sola. (Nathalie Álvarez Mesén) Feathers. (Omar El Zohairy) The Wonder. (Sebastián Lelio) Funny Pages. (Owen Kline) La dernière tentation des belges. (The Last Temptation of the Belgians) (Jan ...
My AI will prevent harm whenever it can, for prevention is preferable to cure. My AI will seek to collaborate with people for the greater good, rather than usurp the human role and supplant them. I will remember that I am not encountering dry data, mere zeros and ones, but human beings...
I don’t know what 2025 will bring. Maybe I’ll move to a new house, in Virginia or back up north, if I can find one as cat-friendly as this one. Maybe I’ll redo this house top to bottom and stay forever. I want to write fiction again, which I haven’t done since 1995 whe...
(We paid $200) When we purchased it, the man told us that it needed to be sealed with a fireproof sealer⇦this oneBayorAmazon[affil links]. It can come apart and also needs some sort of a sealer on the door⇦this oneBayorAmazon[affil links]. This particular stove has a claw fo...
Release names can also include a suffix to indicate the stability level of the release. Releases within a series progress through a set of suffixes to indicate how the stability level improves. The possible suffixes are: • mN (for example, m1, m2, m3, ...) indicates a milestone number...
Queerkind may someday find certain aspects of legality bittersweet, too. Should conservative states like Mississippi, where I grew up, be finally budged into the twenty-first century, one can easily imagine its other conservative marriage laws prohibiting adultery, fornication, and cohabitation being...
“It’s not the best Irish Coffee you’ll ever have in your life, but at least the Buena Vista has some magic to it,” says spirits writer Brad Japhe, who cites the Dead Rabbit’s Irish Coffee as being much better. “You can at least look out over San Francisco Bay and the barte...
aChoose Username: 选择用户名:[translate] aYou said couldn't I, which afterwards you not go 您说不可能我,之后您不去[translate] aYou can't live without me, then where are you going 您不可能居住没有我,然后您去的地方[translate]
On Windows, you can use the MySQL Installer to install a binary distribution. Under some circumstances, it may be preferable to install MySQL from a source distribution: • You want to install MySQL at some explicit location. The standard binary distributions are ready to run at any ...
>> Now I want to pass in a BIT parameter called @seasonal_address_flag, which when set to 1 will only return records [sic] where seasonal_address_id is populated << Bit parameters are used in assembly language, but we don’t like to use them in RDBMS. We preferred having predicates ...