The company’s frequent hints that AGI (artificial general intelligence, AI that can at least match the cognitive abilities of any human) was just around the corner always felt to me like unwarranted hype. But in person, Altman dazzled; I wondered whether I had been too hard on him ...
Read, Color and Learn about other countries with FREE country studies including: Vietnam For Kids and Greece for Kids and Peru for Kids and Kenya for Kids and Israel for Kids, plus many more! You can find all our FREE printable country coloring pages covering over 36 different nations – o...
Just the other day, I found my nerdy husband’s class ring in my parent’s basement (yes- you are not crazy…that IS a weird place to find your husband’s class ring). I was excited to bring it home to him to put into his memory box. When I got it home, we both pulled out ...
For many of the 3rd- and 4th-graders there, Tracey Taylor offers the first and last art instruction they will ever have. That's why she does everything she can to connect their lessons to real life. "III want a picture of my niece, I don't make her sit for six hours while I ...
Personal Caesar Cipher inspired by an elementary school visit with CoderDojo Dartmouth where we taught 3rd through 5th graders about codes and ciphers - wagnerjack/Caesar-Cipher