-The overall margin expansion story may be delayed by a more few years (due to aggressive price investments into the FMCG category) than what I originally thought before they reach a steady-state level, and their steady-state margin profile may be lower than what I originally assumed (4 – ...
Also the gangs would be fighting over a few liters of precious gasoline from a ruined Exxon station. The Table Setup Right on the northern border of Texas before the boiling desert wastes of the south is a lone two pump Exxon station, ravaged by time and long forgotten by travellers. ...
but I had my routines. I knew where to find the things I needed and wasn’t distracted by all the other food that was both unfamiliar and unappetizing to me.
and I don’t have to put in the more expensive premium gasoline that the V6 craved. I also notice the increased torque and decreased number of shifts while climbing the steep mountain passes. While descending, I can manually shift to one of eight gears to reduce braking. While every single...
In passing I note that since the start of November when I started working after a post-graduation vacation I’ve poured exactly $0 in gasoline into the tank of my car. (Readers who suspect that this statement, in addition to being true, is vacuously true may be on to something!) How ...
gasoline garry gabriel furiously functioning fulfillment fulfilled frowning freed founder forthcoming formulaic foremost foreigners foliage focused fluorescence floors flies feeds feathertop favorites fashionable faithful extends expended exempt evidenced everyday essex equality episode entertaining enclosed enabled ...