However, patients somtimes are left with unused medicines, either because they do not fully comply with the prescription, or the medications are prescribed on a pro re nata basis, and the treated condition occurs infrequently.Novack,G.D.
Cohen CJ, Morris A, Bazner S, et al. The FOTO study: A pilot study of short-cycle treatment interruption, taking antiretroviral medications for five days on, two days off (FOTO), for those with viral load suppression on either a PI or EFV-based regimens. XV International AIDS Conference....
Moyer, Elizabeth D.The ocular surfaceNovack, E.; & Moyer, E.D. (2013). Where do Unused Medications go When They Die? Ocular Surface. 11 (2). 139-142.Novack, G.D., and Moyer, E. Pipeline: Where do unused medications go when they die? Ocul. Surf. 11:139-142, 2013....