Getting to zero carbon emissions won’t save the world. We’ll have to also remove carbon from the air—a massive undertaking unlike anything we’ve ever done.
I can see the demand destruction, but for now I remain doubtful that it is big enough to cause a lasting decline in the price of gasoline. I would not be surprised if the price starts heading higher again. Crude oil prices have already started heading higher...
Now both of these sources are good for generating electricity or process heat, but not so much for liquid fuels like gasoline or aviation fuel, however, recently the US Navy has invented a process where by they can take carbonic acid from ocean water (dissolved CO2) and water and combine t...
gasoline garry gabriel furiously functioning fulfillment fulfilled frowning freed founder forthcoming formulaic foremost foreigners foliage focused fluorescence floors flies feeds feathertop favorites fashionable faithful extends expended exempt evidenced everyday essex equality episode entertaining enclosed enabled ...