Always use gloves. This seems like common sense, but wooden pallets often have nails pointing out and can easily give you a splinter. And, if you’re going to cut or sand a pallet, use a mask. We have made a complete article on woodworking safety tips that is completely applicable to ...
From what I sawon my walk to the woodworking shop earlier, I’d say we’re in for a real workout. Might not need to do any stretches beforehand—as Mother Nature has taken care of that with knee-deep snowdrifts. My lovely wife and I will no doubt start out strong, full of ambitio...
Maurice’s memory was like listening to a documentary, and this was the first time a Veteran confided in me. They didn’t get supplies at first; they had to wait till everything was shipped to Europe. They got what was left over, which wasn’t much. He ate cocoanut bark for two w...
Pallets Recycling is taking over Pinterest! People are doing great woodworking projects with pallet wood. We can help you to get wooden pallets for free.
They’d send me some, along with snarky questions about what I was doing with it. The day they got back, Mum went out and bought supplies, and phoned me in Dublin that afternoon to apologize. They hadn’t really believed my tales of how much prices were going up could be true. I ...
Step 4: Vinyl Printer Supplies Canvas / Vinyl / Specialty Materials Midwest Sign Phone: 800.824.2468 Note: Please talk with Shop Staff regarding new materials on the Vinyl Printer. These may require special knife settings or extra attention. ...