A Guide to Firewood Laws in Texas and Where You Can Buy It As someone who loves the crackle of a warm fire, I know how important a fireplace is to many households, especially during the colder spells here in west Texas. For me, it’s not just about ambiance, it’s all about necessi...
15Did horizon services buy servicemark? 26When was nocatee founded? 39Which hpv causes warts? 34Is there an app for pedometers? 32Why does wood paneling warp? 32Does australia have tampons with applicators? 42Where is pinecone research located? 40Do intentional walks count toward pitch count?
sprinkling also a nearby walker and diaper bag. The bombing of incense was also excessive, an obvious ruse to buy time. The compressor of the portable oxygen machine (it sounded like an old Volkswagen,) randomly kicked in, startling those...
I can’t help but push her buttons, she’s sexy as hell when she’s fired up. Or cooking dinner with Miss Polly, or… well, any time, really. Maybe having her work for me in my vet clinic wasn’t the smartest move I’ve ever made considering I can’t stop my body from aching...
Supporters of Donald Trump love to point to criminal justice reform as the president's crowning achievement, and they're right. The administration's First Step program supplies female prisoners with free tampons, makes it easier for federal prisoners to qualify for release and lowers minimum sentenc...
Today, I continue my volunteer efforts to raise money and collect supplies for teen homeless shelters. Spoiler: Shelters need tampons, deodorant, and women’s hygiene products, and they are some of the least donated items. This small act of service is a reminder to myself, ...
You will want the option of privacy and, especially, a clean bathroom. Set up your space, and stock up on basically everything you would need for a few days of a stomach flu plus a gnarly period: saltines and Gatorade for nausea, extra pads (you can’t use tampons or a cup), dark...
I'll pass Lastly, buy a non-food grocery item Toothpaste Toothpaste Ziploc bags Ziploc bags Sanitary pads/tampons Sanitary pads/tampons Shaving foam Shaving foam I got all I need Did you know you can sign up for a BuzzFeed Community account and create your own BuzzFeed posts? Here's a ha...