I think his first Pinto was in his late teens, and then there was “Son of Pinto” and “Pinto’s Revenge” – possibly more, but I can only remember those three. I think he went on to Hondas next. Other series have included Ford pickups, Saab 900s, and since he became...
Italicizing, especially, isn't "worrying needlessly about formatting"--it can be an essential part of crafting the sentence. Ulysses's photo support is a strike against them, as well, but i am a photographer so perhaps other writers won't feel this as strongly. They do have what appears...
On the iPad and iPhone the releases have steadily added more and more iOS 11 features so that you can now drag and drop. Plus there have been improvements to searching but the key change has been in how you can now see a preview of any image you put into your tex...