the face the animals come to see, the face that guards her own jaw, the face that sets how transactions are handled; now that I can finally be my face, I am no longer afraid of the mountain lion. I
Yes, suddenly we had a large population of African-Americans who were no longer enslaved, but whom had none of the wealth of this nation they were so vital a part of its building.“Give them all 40 acres and a mule.”First understand that very few freed Slaves actually received 40 acres...
I took it to an alterations place and had two straps sewn into its underbelly. These would be long enough to carry my tarp(s),helikon-tex swagmanroll, and sleeping pad, which will all be wound up in a 6″ diameter sausage-like roll. With that, I now have plenty of room inside the...
Anywho, my tarps arrived yesterday and they are going to be perfect. They are silver on one side and black on the other. I took my survival flashlight and held it right up against the tarp and no light shown through. By going with the tarps, I saved about $120.00. If all goes well...
coaster is full of joy and the sun wheel is also exciting.s If you are hungry when visiting the park ,the ant restaurant will help you with a wonderful meal ,including tea ,coffee and juice.But it is expensive ,so I suggest you to buy some snack beside the path ,they are very ...
"The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet" - Frederick Buechner
Ephesus, long the metropolis of Asia, the Paris of that day, was crowded with buildings as large as the capitol at Washington. I am told it looks more like a neglected graveyard now than anything else. Granada, once so grand, with its twelve gates and towers, is now in decay. The ...