October 17, 2022 podcast Introducing additives in epoxy coatings can power up your formulation Join BASF's Louis Angeles, Marketing Manager for Formulation and Performance Additives, and Tony Moy, Technical Specialist for Formulation Additives, in an episode of the "Power up your formulation" podcas...
I’ve never been all that interested in Ayn Rand either as a novelist or a thinker, though she’s existed out there in the periphery of my awareness of intellectual currents for almost as long as I knew what an intellectual was. I can remember way back in high school a girl I had a...
Ruth Mastenbroek’s Oxford:Britain has such a rich fragrance scene, I can’t possibly cover everything adequately. So I just want to highlight one of my favorites, which doesn’t show up often on people’s radars. Ruth Mastenbroek’s Oxford is inspired by the perfumer’s time as a che...
I have been experiencing the longest period of writers block ever. I can usually put my finger on why I go through these phases rather quickly and then the gates open soon after. This time I have knowingly been in denial as to why, I have lost my patriotism and it has left me speechl...
GC:I don’t think you can extrapolate the amount of material from our one study, per se, but conceptually we can think about it this way; the defining characteristic of PFAs in the environment is that they are extraordinarily hydrophobic. They do not dissolve. That makes them extremely...