The first model is used by people who want to buy a Rolex model for themselves. The second model is for those looking for a cheap replica swiss watch, but instead, it cannot be worn every day and can be used as an investment tool. One way is to convince the other party that you ar...
any day of the week. It is a great addition to any pantry for a super quick breakfast that requires no thinking. However, I love to occasionally cook my own tofu scramble, but as you will find, flavor can vary greatly depending, which is hit or miss if you have kids. Unfortunately...
I tagged about ten different recipes in Kim’s book that I can’t wait to try. Given the winter weather, the merry season, the busy time of year when easy dinners are appreciated, and the larger crowds that come to the table for holiday celebrations, I thought it would be ideal to hi...
And our work together continues to challenge me to keep cleaning my spiritual house–to keep working at getting rid of all the judgmental thoughts, feelings of resentment, and boxes full of bad memories that can somehow pile up in my attic and basement if I’m not careful. I hope that so...
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For me, I have found that the fillets of salted fish are pretty huge for what I can find, and I never manage to use it all within an appropriate amount of time, so I go with the anchovy paste for ease of use. We are almost at the finish line! Add the pre-mixed sauce in with...
16 mins round trip to the traffic lights on the corner of Wragby Road and Ruskin Avenue. 640m ish. Google says a fit person should take 8 mins so that ain’t bad in my book. When I can do it in 8 then we will all know things are back to normal. Mind you not sure I’ve ever...
We’ve also found that Brewers Yeast sprinkled on kale with a bit of olive oil, lemon or lime juice, & salt makes an incredibly tasty snack for us humans! Why should our birds get to eat all the good stuff?! Ducklings snacking on fresh-picked garden greens in a bowl of water with ...
bringing down oil prices. The prices of many other commodities, such as coal and iron ore, are down as well. Instead of oil prices staying up near the cost of extraction, they have fallen closer to the level consumers can afford. Needless to say, this is not good if the economy really...
I loved the oiliness of the homemade salmon fish cakes, although that much oil isn’t for everyone. Also, the lemon zest dominated my palette, but it was such a nice touch. If the weather is nice on the day you visit the Golden Hind, sit outside. The inside can get quite crammed ...