Combination birth control pills Vaginal ring Skin patch Ulipristal acetate (Ella), a type of emergency contraception You don’t need a doctor or pharmacist to help you get Opill. It's an over-the-counter progestin-only “minipill.” You can buy it from the same stores that sell ibuprofen...
An alien invasion isn't quite what it seems. Haunted Houses are common, but not one with THIS kind of ghost! Can Bob the Builder take on the mafia? Probably. "Inside The Battlefield" revisits G.I. Joe's and Cobra's battle of the Weather Dominator, 20 years later. ...
Olivia Newton John, in what can only be described as a mixed-mesh outfit and violent purple lipstick, fixes April by removing and replacing the entire lower half of her body. She’s like an unhoused hermit crab there on the table for a sec. Not only does ONJ patch her up–she gives...
and Ansys together so they can, and we think it will get some business from chip makers looking for alternative etching and packaging. We think it will have a profitable foundry operation and that it will make good chips that people want to buy as well. But we also think the X86 market...
I also like the hardcore member who has a Stick of Dynamite and a focus on Punching. I can only imagine them running forward, throwing the grenade, and following up with some savage melee. Anytime the Boxer trait is used I consider that a win. Exodus –Posse built around the massive $...
I tagged about ten different recipes in Kim’s book that I can’t wait to try. Given the winter weather, the merry season, the busy time of year when easy dinners are appreciated, and the larger crowds that come to the table for holiday celebrations, I thought it would be ideal to hi...
Team structure has changed a fair bit over the thirty years I’ve maintained one but the essentials are the same. A good team is all blokes (female friends are worth their weight in gold but must set up their own teams to stay that way) – one who can fix anything in the house, on...
We often hear the cry:‘What can I do to effect change in the world?‘– this question is either a search for action or more likely the response of an overwhelmed and conditioned mind constantly told how powerless one person is towards making a difference. This is the greatest lie. A ...
business. }) Couch's attorneys, Scott Brown and Reagan Wynn, said their client has been intensely . He wants to keep his information private. When the head of the school questioned that, his father reportedly threatened to buy the school. You can also find more information, resources, and ...
it tends to become. Now everything feels “off” if we don’t first say grace around the table. Bedtime prayers have evolved as a time to reflect on the day, give thanks, and put into perspective the next day. I’m also amazed and humbled at the sweetest prayers children can whisper...