There is a help channel on Discord. Discord was developed for gamers and so is ‘different’. It’s also not the easiest place to use but is full of lots of your friends helping each other. To get there follow this invite:Pisces P100 Hotspot Help on Discord If you look at the bottom...
The games – amazing showcase of what the hardware can do. I enjoyed NFS very much, and this device proves the PB is well optimized for gaming too. There is potential for it still. Typing – I love the fact that when I hold the device with my two hands, I can reach all the keys...
My personal workflow uses my 16-inch MacBook Pro, and a 15.4-inch MacBook Pro before that, as a portable workstation. Adding an additional half-pound to a tech bag when on the go, when it was already about 15 pounds with everything in it, wasn't a big deal. Adding a half-pound...
firms have started to make them for women, which have proven popular as night and homewear. They come in different colours, patterns and fabric options and are often a bit different in design compared to the men’s version. Think a shorter cloth version that can be tied into lose bikini ...