we almost never need to plug in or drive it to recharge the battery when camping. We’re able to run the Instant Pot, electric kettle and charge all our devices without any worries. We can even run our A/C of the batteries for about 10-12 hours but if the ...
I didn’t have too much time once I arrived at the start line. I was able to pop into the porta potty and tried to squeeze into a corral. I was unable to get into my seeded corral (based on my finish time in Long Beach) but I got into the open corrals between the 4:30 and...
If I loosely followed that route, but subtracted the part of the route that I wouldn’t be running because I was starting at the library and not my house, I ballparked that I wouldn’t be running about 7.5 miles of that route which would estimate the route to be 12.5ish miles. So ...