I lived as a living witness, and now a dead one, of how Jesus Christ and his Gospel can enable the smallest, biggest, or even the grandest of men to discover the power to find peace and joy, and live as a constant reminder to “fear not little flock” through any battle, even the...
Beguine the Beguine is on the record player, and I’m swinging around the music room, elated with the energy that forced me to dance, turn off the mind entirely. Total bliss. Dance has been with me since as far back as I can remember, the answer to a mood change, without drugs or ...
A sudden absence of millions of illegal workers will likely place a tough labor burden on those businesses, and right or wrong they will have to increase prices to pay for the higher cost of labor replacements and shortages, if they can even find new replacement workers. This is probably the...
Here are all the ways you can stream "Phineas and Ferb" in Germany. Some of these are to rent or buy the title. Others require a free or paid subscription to a streaming service. You will be redirected to the vendor site to the complete purchase. ...
You go to someone (we'll call her "Tillie") and ask to interrupt her for a moment because there's something you can't figure out but you think perhaps she can. Tillie agrees to help, and pauses in her task to assist you with yours. You explain, "I can't find [item] on [elect...