Well, if you plan to travel a bunch, I’d say yes. A good travel bag can last you for years. Mosquitoes bite the world over (and most of Europe has yet to discover window screens—which would be fine if they believed in air-conditioning, which hotels below three or four stars genera...
Wholesale-Direct-First-Aid.com represents the largest First Aid, Safety and Medical Supply Manufacturers in the United States. With unparalleled purchasing power we offer Online Discounts and Wholesale Direct Case pricing on Hospital Quality products dir
I can’t believe how badly we bombed our national test. I remember flashes from watching the news broadcast with my daughter. I remember the interns, young women in suits, protecting the electoral college votes and whisking them away from the mob storming the capital. In my memory the votes...
can wear it everywhere, from a casual day out to a more active adventure. **Adaptable and Trendy Accessory** The Fashion Trend Waist Bag is a testament to the evolution of the fanny pack. It's not just a lululemon fanny pack price alternative; it's a wear-everywhere belt bag that ...
“Can’t you see what’s the matter?… You honestly can’t see what you’ve done to me?” “No,” said Scotty. “Here it was so late — and your mother and father –” “Well, all I have to say to you is this,” said Janet, “if you’re afraid of anything a filthy littl...
The biggest city in Scotland and the home of a very tricky accent for most to understand, Glasgow is a compact city of industry with a hard-working history. But with a reputation as one of the less wholesome parts of the country, it can be daunting working out where to stay, and where...
Second problem – food. You can’t just go buy normal hot dogs. I had to navigate amongst all the many types of ‘viennas’, sausages, etc. I found some tasty chicken viennas, but they weren’t the same as a big, juicy dog. And I almost had a little meltdown trying to make ch...
Chai Lifeline Mid-Atlantic, the leading organization providing critical support to families facing pediatric illness in Baltimore, Silver Spring, and the greater Washington, DC, area, is launching its most impactful fundraiser yet: YOU Can Make a Difference. Running from February 15-17, 2025,...
There, we plan to mostly hang out with the family, although I hope we can go to Punta Jesus María and Ojo de Agua with the family. I also wouldn’t mind kayaking again down the Río Istian, or hiking on one of the two volcanoes, Volcán Concepción or Volcán Maderas. Mexico (18 ...
Guys who want to leave a bar with a lady have to pay abarfine. This is meant to make up for income lost by the bar when a lady leaves. Barfines can range from 600 Baht ($20 USD) into the thousands. Some places have “models” or “coyotes” on staff with higher barfines. Others...