As an Amazon Associate I may earn from qualifying purchases. What is a Birthday Freebie? A birthday freebie is any complimentary gift, discount or special offer presented by a business to customers to encourage you to celebrate your birthday with them in mind. They can beFREEfood from restauran...
34Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: 35for I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me ...
or maybe even an old fashioned policeman stood on a special island in the middle of the road wearing those high viz cuffs to direct the traffic. I dunno cos I can’t see. Unlikely though, the latter. I could go out onto the balcony and stretch...
I’m in two minds as to whether steak is up there. It probably is but I have to be in the right frame of mind and it does have to be a ‘good’ steak. Rare to medium rare. To be accompanied with a very decent bottle of red. You can choose whether you want salad, chips etc....
insisted on standing in the buffet line herself and helped themselves to a dinner of sesame chicken, lasagna,ham(obviously, Sue Mengers had not been following the Irish pigs scandal), and homemade ice cream. Once Table One had returned to their seats with their plates, Linda Ronstadt rose ...
Everything in one pot is the easiest and I love doing fish this way. Quick, easy and delicious is the way to go. If you need a more precise recipe for a caponata, you can trythis onefrom the NY Times. However, if you are learning to cook without a recipe and develop your intuitio...
All I can really say is, John Lennon was RIGHT! –“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans!” A lot has happened in my life these last few years since I posted last, but I won’t bore you with excuses in regards to Your Vegan Neighbor’s disappearance!
“The latch key is always out,” reminding us how welcome we were. I can picture him saying those things while sitting in the big comfy chair that he’d made room for in their kitchen, toothpicks in his pocket, the newspaper on his lap, a cup of coffee if it was morning, tea if...
I think it more likely that what will happen as a result of the fires will be a west-coast Curley effect. The electorate will be shaped as the long-time mayor of Boston did, driving out those most inclined to vote against progressive policies. Those who can see the writing on the wall...
Parts of the East End, such as Hackney, Haringey, Stratford and Tower Hamlets, can be sketchy at night, as can Lambeth and Southwark on the South Bank. While the King’s Cross area has been rejuvenated, the area around the train station can feel unsafe late at night. Camden is fine ...