小学英语课外阅读阅读材料祖(Zoop)要去参加一个派对,派对是在房子A,房子B,还是房子C里举办呢?请阅读下面的路线说明,帮她找到举办派对的房子. 祖(Zoop)明天要去房子B参加另外一个派对,她还是从红色邮箱处出发.请你借助下面的单词写几条路线说明.vip天天爱英语...
4.I prefer to play football rather than to go fishing with him. 5.It was in the park where an accident happened to the old man. 6.I believe it will be the best means of transports. 7.The woman didn’t have enough money to pay her train price. 8.The man is...