And it’s not just the hackers who control computers via USB sticks and use Bluetooth sniffers and watches that can kill anyone’s wireless connection. That’s stuff many of us can do right now if we’re shopping at the right DIY stores and hanging out in the right discords. Hackers in...
(6 plays) Probably the most diverse group, we’ve got the snarling post-punk of Idles fitting nicely with the bratty punk of Amyl and the Sniffers, and Tyler reminding us he still has bars to go along with his ever-evolving production skills. Dry Cleaning gives us a vision of what a ...
HTTPS will ensure that the connection is secure and the data packet is encrypted, so other people with data sniffers will not be able to get their hands on your User and (hashed) Password information. Consult with your ISP or web master to find out if there are HTTPS possibilities for ...