Absent peripheral pulses may be indicative ofperipheral vascular disease (PVD). PVD may be caused by atherosclerosis, which can be complicated by an occluding thrombus or embolus. This may be life-threatening and may cause the loss of a limb. Why do doctors check the pulse in your feet? You...
Hi , thank you so much for the above, i have now joined your site, it’s places like these that help us feel we are not alone , so they are very valuable. I would like to be able get more information out to the public about this condition , and not only about this , but peopl...
Hi , thank you so much for the above, i have now joined your site, it’s places like these that help us feel we are not alone , so they are very valuable. I would like to be able get more information out to the public about this condition , and not only about this , but peopl...
Figure. Paracentesis, viscoelastic, and probe across the anterior chamber during the ELT procedure (A). Probe across the chamber (B). Probe contacts the trabecular meshwork. Laser pulses ablate tissue into gas (C). Ten openings into Schlemm canal are created (D). Laser pulses excise the trabe...