Just as there are many stages of grief there are many things in the world to grieve. In this book, Sloane Crosley grieves two real-life events simultaneously… the suicide of her best friend and the theft of family jewelry from her NYC apartment. Both incidences occurred within 30 days of...
Seville Oranges originated in Southeast Asia but are named for the city that adopted them as their own (and are now primarily grown there): Seville, Spain. This medium-sized orange has a heavily-pocked, thick peel and is rarely eaten fresh because of its sour punch. But in a spread? You...
Tucked away in the northern Atlantic Ocean, the Faroe Islands are a remote archipelago where sheep outnumber the residents nearly two-to-one, winds are fierce, and there’s hardly a tree in sight. Without access to firewood, the Faroe’s inhabitants have had to find another way to cu...
Amount of infrastructure needed to be built (generation and distribution) would multiply price of electricity to the point that even expensive gasoline in EU (compared to USA prices) would be cheap.In Croatia charging is now free. Next year they are planning to start charging for elec...
“My dad peeled my oranges until I graduated high school, too. Now, I peel my daughter’s oranges and will for the next 7 plus years,” Katie wrote in the comments. “Love this. My dad peeled mine, too. When I moved out, he gave me an orange peeler gadget,” Mary added. O ...
We are particularly interested in the funding choices in HIV prevention, taken by two different public donors, the USA government, and European governments, including the EU. The European public donors have a long tradition of supporting gender and sexual and reproductive ...