Are smokers and tobacco users at higher risk of COVID-19 infection? Today is World Heath Day: What is World Health Day about? Ulliyeri Panchayath launches Pusthakachangathy (Book friend) for Covid-19 quarantined people Jain University explores MOOC to ‘break’ lock down distance Google brin...
It’s been two weeks since I left my job to live the dream of being a full time writer. Inevitably, everyone’s first questions are “Are you writing?” or “How’s your book coming?” My first week I had a list of activities that would prove to myself and my friends that I was...
If a pandemic is ever announced by the government, we simply lose our rights to refuse vaccines and may be quarantined, split up as families, and forced into camps. We must be prepared and aware. Join us. Here is a small sample of the types of issues we discuss. Oppressive Regulation...
The Shared Workforce client lets you add behaviour to your models so that when an action occurs (for example, a photo is added), details of that action and model are sent to human workers, who can asses the data and return a response, which can be used to trigger further actions in th...