We got a little glimpse of just about everyone in this episode, as the noble families all gear up for war. There are only two episodes left in the season, so we can be sure big things are about to go down. My BROTP Continue reading→ ...
The next thing you have to implement is an extension of AbstractIkonHandler. For this example where all icon literals are prefixed with “my-icon” the “supports” method returns exactly that prefix. [/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top...
Rebecca’s questions for me, and my responses, are as follows: Frankie and the Andersons. Coming soon to a TV screen near you. Question 1: Winnie the Pooh recently starred in a horror movie. Which public domain character would you like to see taken in a new direction and what would th...
Tumblr banned adult content in 2018 after being a beacon for sex/sexuality education and porn gifs. Instagram, which Facebook owns, changed their terms of use in December; sex educators are already saying their content is being censored. TikTok is "purging" users with OnlyFans in their bios....
Thankfully both the Mac OS and iOS file systems are fairly intuitive, so you won’t have too much trouble finding them. Once you know where AirDrop files go on iPhone, you can easily transfer them to your Mac.If you’re new to Apple devices, you may not know how to activate Air...
Being a techie at heart, these technical SEO conferences are right up my alley. This particular one is going to be exceptionally great, not only for all the talented speakers but that we get to go to the Google offices in NYC. Woot! Also, it's by invitation only which makes you feel...
mojitojoe moves between being afraid to speak (yet all he posts are racist animated gifs…) and blaming all dissent on liberal trolls To: altura What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on? ___ My guess: liberal concern trolls posing as Freepers. Voting to get rid of the Keny...
Traveling With My Cat Be Like Tweet My Mom needs this Pets/Video September 15, 2017 My Cat and I are Bros. Tweet We’re that close Spoof/Video September 14, 2017 When your parents are coming home in two minutes Tweet Many of us can relate to this ...
"This has been a difficult time in my life," she said onscreen. "But it's the start of something positive and happy and beautiful." A source told E! News in July 2022 that, although they welcomed another child together, Khloe and Tristan are not back together. Catch up on ...
When I created tumblr I wanted it to be my ART tumblr, a place where I show all my art to the world….. but the gifs took over 😉 Reply Reply Reply