Where them mobs at,mobs at? Blazes and ghasts, are up in the air (Mobs sounds instead of day day part.) Yo, where them mobs at uh, hmm, uh Yo , where them spiders trying to kill me, jumping, jumping... Nighttime is here it all starts again I see a lot of mobs spawning in ...
So spiders found in the very north of Britain are unlikely to include the Nurseryweb Spider Pisaura mirabilis, the wolf spider Pardosa prativaga or the jumping spider Euophrys frontalis . The colourful crab spider Misumena vatia, shows a very pronounced southern distribution, whereas the orbweaver...
Here are some fun New York creepy-crawlers that will send a shiver down your spine...gross! These 10 Bugs Found In New York Will Send Shivers Down Your Spine Jumping Bristletail Youtube/Nature, Here and Now Jumping Bristletail Appearing before you right out of your very worst nightmare, t...
I say structures because it is assumed they are tombs. No remains of animals or humans have ever been found in any of the ‘tombs’. I’ve found websites that say you can enter some of the monuments, but I never noticed any openings. However the surrounding landscapes are breathtaking. ...
Let’s examine the three species of cassowaries and the habitats and locations they can be found in! Where Do Cassowaries Live: Their Habitats Cassowaries are one of the most unique looking species on Earth ©Sardo Michael/Shutterstock.com ...
Grounded developer Obsidian is fond of hiding things in hard to reach places on game’s map. There are secret caves that contain aFour Leaf Clover, an underground tunnel system that will yield specialBee Armor, and a hidden boss fight in a hedge. The Hedge Broodmother can be found at the...
Female northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis). The cardinals are nesting in our yard. The trail along the slough at the Little Red Schoolhouse yesterday. Just to the right of the trail is the slough. It looks like the tree swallows are back and have found a home. ...
The Mojave desert is a mineralogically rich area. One small town of less than 30,000 people serves as a great jumping off point for dozens of fantastic collecting sites. Many of these locations are Southern California classics, found in field guides dating to the early 1940’s and surprisingl...
are. This is where your honest mess meets my honest mess. As an encourager, I am going to share from my heart, my life, and my own experience. I am going to share what I know not only in my head but also in my heart because I have lived it. I can encourage you because I my...
I was in this house as a guest. I was spilling stuff and self-conscious of making a mess. Next thing I know the floors are flooded. Looking up I’m somewhat relieved to see it coming from the ceiling as then it couldn’t possibly have been my fault. I went to report it to some...