The NFL Super Bowl is a major snacking day in the U.S. and one of the most popular days for takeout. The increase in food delivery during this time is leading to a need for grease resistance on the containers used to effectively shepherd wings from fryer to fingers. Read more Februa...
Dedicated specialists in our manufacturing departments continually monitor the production of Twaron®, which is made from monomers in several stages: polymerization, continuous filament yarn spinning and converting. Step 1: Polymerization The process begins with the combination of monomers to form a st...
Wool is a type of fabric derived from the hairs of various animals. While most people associate the word “wool” with sheep, there are, in fact, a variety of distinct types of wool that producers derive from animals other than sheep.
During the production of PVC, toxicphthalatesare released into the manufacturing environment, and this plastic can produce the environmental pollutant dioxin if it is disposed of incorrectly. Gesso, for its part, features either rabbit-skin glue or a synthetic alternative, and these materials are und...
Sep 20, 2024 | Clean Energy, Manufacturing Chalk up another win for advanced battery production in Washington State. Group 14 Technologies landed a $200 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy. The grant will allow the company to build a new plant to produce silane gas, an essenti...
The future of pharma manufacturing - Pharma 4.0Robots are not meant to replace people – people still need to be involved for many other manual operations and to support robotic systems. Using robots also reduces the need to move all operations to countries with lower labor costs, spreading ...
When it comes to the economy, Queens has the most diversified economy of the five boroughs; employment sectors include health care, manufacturing, construction, education, transportation, and retail trade. Two major New York City airports are located in Queens: JFK International Airport and La...
its database and retrieves the corresponding ip address. it then returns the ip address to the browser, allowing it to establish a connection with the server hosting the website associated with that domain name. why are ipv6 addresses being introduced, and how do they differ from ipv4 ...
s history. Lamé became reasonably popular among the elite of practically every major civilization to emerge on the Eurasian continent throughout the centuries, and in Europe, this fabric became known as the “cloth of gold” due to both its incorporation of gold fibers and its resemblance to ...
COOLMAX fabric is identical to other forms of polyester in most ways aside from the notable exception of the shape of its fibers. Therefore, the COOLMAX production process mainly follows the steps used to produce other types of polyester fibers. This process is divided into four major stages:...