During the process of splicing, introns are removed from the pre-mRNA by the spliceosome and exons are spliced back together. If the introns are not removed,the RNA would be translated into a nonfunctional protein. Splicing occurs in the nucleus before the RNA migrates to the cytoplasm. Why ...
array([x.shape[0] for x in introns[:, 0]]) tmp2 = sp.array([x.shape[0] for x in introns[:, 1]]) still_unfeas = sp.where((tmp1 > 200) | (tmp2 > 200))[0] idx = sp.where(~sp.in1d(unfeas, still_unfeas))[0] for i in unfeas[idx]: print >> CFG['fd_log']...
Regions of high length or primary sequence variability, for which ad hoc assignment of positional homology would affect the phylogenetic outcome, were excluded from analyses. Introns and other positions of ambiguous alignment were removed from the analysis. Alignments and data sets are available as ...