/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/where-does-ps-store-the-icc-profiles-on-a-mac/m-p/9593240#M139388 Dec 13, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 Copy link to clipboard Copied LATEST In Response To Danny Whitehead. But I don't see the Adobe default gray working color spac...
Temporary User Profiles (Windows) sample.Operator[][] function (Windows) PrintDlgEx function (Windows) DNS_DNSKEY_DATA structure (Windows) EnumCodePagesProc callback function (Windows) SIZE_MASKS macro (Windows) MFP_PKEY_StreamIndex property (Windows) DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS structure (Windows) IPropertySto...
I have a feeling, based on your screen shot of fixed choices, that there are no typical monitor profiles on you Mac. But rather, the choices are saved in a .plist file and applied according to that. Which is probably a bad guess since you'd think there'd be an actual .icc / .icm...
I've read that Chrome on Windows doesn't (or didn't) correctly implement ICC profile transfer functions: https://discuss.pixls.us/t/web-browsers-color-management-solved/15071/29 https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/1592680 ...
: Hello! My other computer when I hover over a document, the tooltips window pops up and it shows the document dimensions as well as ICC profiles. How can I get that option on my current computer? Thanks! - Becca... Strange pink highlight on hover/tooltip text in Windows 10 ...
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In Response To Danny Whitehead. But I don't see the Adobe default gray working color space icc profiles here, such as "Gray Gamma 2.2" Do you have any idea where Adobe stores those? Thanks Peter Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Reply Resources...