Apple disclaims any and all liability for the acts, omissions and conduct of any third parties in connection with or related to your use of the site. All postings and use of the content on this site are subject to the Apple Support Community Terms of Use. See how your data is managed....
6.5 inch - iPhone 11 Pro Max 6.7 inch - iPhone 14 Pro Max 12.9 inch - iPad Pro 6th gen What I'm stuck on is getting the 5.5 inch screenshots, which are required for App Store submission. As far as I can tell from some online searching, the latest iPhone with that screen size was...
Now, it took me a while to find the Alt-equivalent on Mac and figure out what it can do. Read on to find the Alt key and how to use it. Want to create your own shortcuts? Use Keysmith to record your screen and assign a hotkey. Works on anything, including Google Docs, Github,...
I am looking for information on how I can can create a Safari Extension on iOS, and I have come up blank.All the docs make no mention of iOS, just MacOS.The sample code at
or is that base class. If the base class constraint is used, it must appear before any other constraints on that type parameter. Some types are disallowed as a base class constraint:Object,Array, andValueType. The following example shows the types that can now be specified as a base class...
Ulysses comes in versions for the Mac and iOS and the two are remarkably similar. You could swap between the two all day and forget which one you are using, the experience is that similar. Then, too, you could swap around and also know that everything you write on one platform is ...
More info on about code stripping and where to place link.xml here: NOTE: if you're running Unity 5.4, UnityWebRequest is no longer in the Experimental namespace, just UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest, et al. 👍 2 ...
experience. However, unlike most of Google Drive, you can’t access notes from the Google Drive app as you can withGoogle Docs, Sheets, or Slides. It takes up Google Drive storage, but notes are generally so small that you likely won’t notice the impact on your Drive storage allotment....
By default, Ansible tasks are executed in parallel. Delegating a task does not change this and does not handle concurrency issues (multiple forks writing to the same file). Most commonly, users are affected by this when updating a single file on a single delegated to host for all hosts (us...
the future they represent is already here. We live some of it today when we use an iPhone, iPad, or OS X Lion-based Mac. We live some of it today when we use Windows Phone 7, Android, and Google Docs. We’ll live more of it when OS X Mountain Lion and Windows 8 are rel...